Justin Bieber was the talk and tweet of the MTV Video Music Awards last night, and it wasn't because of his music or his androgynous good-looks. Even on this evening when he took home the VMA for Best New Artist of 2010, the conversation was mostly about what he said during his acceptance speech.
The twitter-verse exploded with chatter about the closing statement of his speech: "Screw LeBron!"
During the aptly named "Summer of Lebron", it seems that all the talk has been about Lebron, his classless dumping of his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers, or one of a dozen other poor decisions made by himself and his team. His actions have made him the object of outright hatred well beyond the city limits of Cleveland, OH.
So, Justin Bieber making a statement like "Screw Lebron!" at the end of his acceptance speech would just be him announcing to the world that, "Hey, Lebron is a LeBiatch!" And I know there are plenty of awesome people that would agree with that.
In fact, many in the twitter-verse expounded a new respect for Bieber for his shot at Lebron. One tweeter said, "Bieber said screw Lebron. Love Justin Bieber now", and another said, "I am a @justinbieber fan for life Screw Lebron @KingJames".
However, the more you think about it, Justin Bieber is a lip-syncing, easy path to fame, coat-tail rider. Now who does that sound like? Would he really bad-mouth one of his own? I suppose if it is the easy way to more fame and respect, and I think the twitter-verse has made it clear that @justinbieber would get some easy cred by starting beef with Lebron.
On the other hand, Bieber could just be thanking his manager, Scooter Braun. Here is the first of many videos showing Justin Bieber's acceptance speech. You can decide for yourself.